Sunday, April 10, 2011

Planning Part VII: The Big Rock Candy Mountain Hike, Portland to Yellowstone

This school noise is almost over: four and a half weeks until the bike trip, so it’s time to get down to business (to defeat the Huns) with this blog thing.  You’ll see some posts about biking outside and some about graduation.  And you’ll see some bike trip poems that I’ve been working on.  One of them is about cheese stuffed hotdogs.       !

So until then, get down with the next part of the journey:

The Pacific Northwest.  The Rockies.  Yellowstone.  This segment epitomizes our fantasies of the west…… a land that’s fair and bright, where the handouts grow on bushes and you sleep out every night, where the boxcars all are empty and the sun shines every day.  There’s a lake of stew and of whiskey, too, and you can paddle all around them in a big canoe.  Really, we’ll probably be tuckered out and terrified of the bears.  

June 9: Portland to Lower Twin Campground (65 miles)
This campground may not exist.

June 10: Lower Twin to Cove Palisades State Park (70 mi)
Passing through the great city of Madras, the world’s largest producer of carrot seed.

June 11: Cove Palisades to Canyon Creek Campground (66.5 mi)
Straight Mountainous

June 12: Canyon Creek to John Day, OR (90 mi)
John Day was a woodsman in the early 1800’s.  Turns out he was robbed by Native Americans and left naked in the wilderness.  Maybe, this will happen to us, and we will become famous and start a nude biker gang.  They’ll name US-20, “Avenue of the Birthday Suits.”  

June 13: John Day to Jamieson, OR (97 mi)

June 14: Jamieson to Boise, ID (83 mi)

June 15: Boise to Fort Running Bear Campground (69 mi)

June 16: Running Bear to Carey, ID (88 mi)
All these places have been tremendously exciting to research.

June 17: Carey to Mud Lake, ID (98 mi)
We go through Craters of the Moon National Monument, a place once called the “devil’s vomit.”
Also, we pass through the Idaho National Laboratories, a huge territory of nuclear energy research.  I imagine we’ll see some nice fences.

June 18: Mud Lake to Harriman State Park, ID (88 mi)

June 19: Harriman to Yellowstone National Park (77 mi)
Trees, mountains, Old Faithful.  Boom.

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