I am getting giddy. The trip nears, and we have passed several significant days. Monday was my dad's birthday. The old man turned 51 years old on May the 2nd. I have a funny way of remembering how old my dad is. My sister is two years older than I am, and when my sister was 14, my dad was 41. So it's only a quick mathematics equation to figure out where the poppa stands in terms of years.
(Katie's current age -14)+41= Dad's current age. BOOM!
Then, it was May 3rd, the first full day I spent in Marysville, Michigan. It was magical. I made two trips to Meijer, had a slushie from Plum's (I forgot the name of Plum's once, and it cost me more than you will ever know: never again), and ate at both the Raven, who provided me with the most delicious supergreen smoothie and venetian chicken sandwich I have ever had (I shall eat a better one nevermore), and at the Linwood, where I ate a half-pound burger and a bunch of nachos, served to me by a 50-year-old bar waitress with a voice as silky smooth as a cigarette box stuck in a vacuum.
The, it was May 4th, or the day only 21 years shy of the day when the date would be 5-4-32. That would be a 6-point cribbage hand, if I'm not mistaken, and it's countdown nature coincides with what was going on in my mind: 6 days until departure for San Diego.
And here we are today, as Cinco de Mayo: a rough translation, "the fifth of May." I have not done any of the traditional gringo rituals to celebrate today, instead spending all day cleaning out my dorm room and doing laundry as I prepare to depart from 418-2, my last residence at SVSU that I will ever have. However, Shannon broke a 4-day no-pooping streak this afternoon, which is good.
Constipation is a serious thing. Not only can a blockage like that cause intestinal damage and internal bleeding, it can also lead to blood poisoning and other serious conditions because the colon, as anybody who has done drugs with their anus knows, absorbs chemicals extremely quickly. All the cholesterol and waste that should be dumped from the body, when constipated, is instead reabsorbed into the bloodstream. It's bad juju. Eat lots of fiber and stay hydrated, people.
As Robbie offers a constant flow of poetry and pleasant reading leading up to our departure, I will blog every day (more briefly than this) about logistics of the trip. Not overly logistical logistics, but rather, a daily introduction to one of the many types of journeys we will be going on while crossing the country. To illustrate, I reveal them now:
The bike journey: of course, we are riding our bikes a bloody long way. We will meet many people and cities, and blog about them all.
The musical journey: I have learned to play the ukelele in the last two weeks enough to grow as a ukelelist along the way.
The literature journey: reading a book takes one places. I shall go as many places traveling along pages as I will traveling along roads (except the pages are digital: yay kindle).
The yoga journey: I took two yoga classes this semester, following the advice that, in my last semester, I should take the courses that will help me in law school the most. Organizing my Chakras seemed more helpful than reading more about politics or society. The yoga journey will include all physiological/spiritual transformations.
The relationship journey: I will simultaneously be diving into the waters of being far away from many of my loved ones for a long period of time and the waters of seeing one of my loved ones more regularly and inescapably than I have ever been forced to see a loved one before. It will be magical, I am sure.
The philosophical journey: I am sure all of these trips will impact my perspective on the world. I have no idea how, exactly. That's the beauty of life.
And things like that. There will be intermingling blog entries addressing each of these themes, and I think it has the potential to be a nice book format.
It's on. Short, sweet passages will pour forth every day now. Love and respect.
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